Next BEST course starts in March in Austria

The FH JOANNEUM is offering Third Country Nationals (TCN) and Migrants the possibility to get free consultancy from 15-20 students and 3 lecturers on their business ideas within the BEST social Entrepreneurship Course at the Institute of International Management. Students work in 5 teams of 3-4. One of these teams will work on the business case of TCN participating in the BEST basic of social entrepreneurship courses providing their developed business ideas. For each case several teams will provide solutions.

Two modes of support will be provide:

1. Free 5 modules’ training on development of social enterprise

2.   Coaching and free consultancy for development of a business idea

If you are interested, more information and registration form is available here.

For any additional clarification please do not hesitate to contact the responsible lecturer Bojan Jovanovski or KIngrid Kienberger.


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